There is a national problem with how sexual assault is handled in British Higher Education.
Did you know there is no regulation on safeguarding at universities? Unlike in many countries such as the USA, the UK is disturbingly without any legal enforcement for the protection of students.
A survey conducted by Revolt Sexual Assault in partnership with The Student Room found that 62% of students and graduates have experienced sexual violence at UK universities, with only 2% responding that they “felt both able to report it to their university and were satisfied with the reporting process.” The 1752 Group completed a survey in 2018 that showed 1 in 4 students had experienced sexualised behaviour from staff.
Yet currently, there is no law ensuring higher education institutions have any safeguarding policies or standard process for handling sexual assault reports and investigations. This allows these business-oriented institutions to neglect and further traumatise survivors with impunity.
We are a coalition comprised of university survivor Instagram accounts, individual survivors, and supported by intersectional organisations, representing all four corners of the UK.
We have written an open letter and several petitions, criticising the lack of safeguarding that allows self serving institutions to prioritise reputation over safety, and providing our recommendations to address this issue in schools.
Our Supporters
A UK-based international, intersectional organisation that seeks to empower, support and protect women.
Not On My Campus UK
A national, intersectional student network supporting survivors and tackling barriers.
Bater Law
Sympathetic Welsh civil litigation solicitor, pursuing a case against RWCMD.
Radical Resilience Project
A survivor-run education organisation, support network, and basic accessible fund, working on dismantling rape culture.
I am Arla
A survivor network and community sharing written experiences and resources.
Reclaim the Campus
A student-led campaign addressing sexual assault and harassment in higher education institutions.
The Last Taboo
A student-led campaign working to address sexual harassment and assault in UK universities.
Recognise RED
An online campaign discussing ant sexual harassment and abuse tactics, raising awareness and promoting active bystander responses.
Red Flag Campaign
An award-winning, York based, student-led campaign raising awareness on the warning signs of domestic abuse
Survivor Space
An Instagram platform which shares survivor testimonies as well as resources.
A long-running charity supporting survivors of sexual abuse and providing a range of services, including counselling, training, and the National Male Survivors Helpline
Survivors UK
A charity supporting male sexual violence survivors.
Stirling University Survivors Support Group
A student-led support network for survivors studying at the University of Stirling.
1752 Group
A renowned research, consultancy, and campaign organisation fighting staff sexual misconduct in UK higher education institutions
Our Members
With Survivors From:
Bristol University
Cardiff University
Durham University
Edinburgh Universities
Lancaster University
Queen’s University Belfast
Robert Gordon University
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis
University of Aberdeen
University of Leicester
University of St. Andrews
University of Stirling
University of the West of England
University of York
Our Founder
Hi! I’m Sydney Feder. I’m sorry for whatever has brought you to this site, you are not alone. Sometimes people find it more comforting to see the person behind the page, so here I am.
I attended RWCMD from 2015-2018. Immediately, I was struck by the predatory staff and the toxic environment they cultivated. Following an on campus assault I reported, which was ignored, I joined another student in pursuing legal action. This five year legal battle resulted in our historic VICTORY in 2023. We successfully proved that universities owe a duty of care to their students (because madly that wasn’t a rule), but fell short of setting a precedent enforcing policies. This had been my goal, so it is a disappointment.
My vocal opinions online led to other students messaging me, and it’s a scandal the number of similar accounts from across the UK that needs to be shared. Students from all backgrounds sharing all too familiar stories and facing the same silence from their schools. As the many are more powerful than the few, I organised the coalition calling for mandated sexual assault policies in the UK higher education system. This is just one tactic to tackle the public health and safety disgrace that current UK law allows.